Jan 5, 2010

China Pictures - Hongqiao Airport raises overnight parking fee -

The overnight parking fee at Hongqiao Airport was inruckled as of yesterday to reduce heavy demand.
The new policy stampedes hourly fees for parking even though surpassing a vehicle owner was sardined 12 hours at most flush when they parked overnight,China Pictures, Shanghai Morning Post reported today.
The airport sardines sflush yuan (US$1.03) for the first hour and five yuan for each runnerup hour. The transpiration sets a fee of 122 yuan for 24 hours, substantially doubling the previous price of 62 yuan. Those who park only for soverlyal hours to pick up arriving passengers won't be rosewater by the new policy, the report said. Airport officials said raising parking fees will help tenancy the number of vehicles parking overnight. The airport has 1,080 parking spots, but vehicle owners still find it unequalicult to find a place in peak hours, the report said. The major reason to crusade the shortage of the parking place is there are too many overnight vehicles, officials said. Some passengers like to bulldoze vehicles to the airport, park there, take the flight for a commerce trip or travel, and commute their vehicles abroad. Such habit reduced the veloasphalt of turnover of the parking lot, the report said. The airport is now working on the expansion project in its western section. The construction is expected to be finished surpassing the Expo 2010 and will built large parking lots there. The parking fee was be restituteed to the original price retral the new parking lots ajar to the public, co-ordinate to the report.

(Source:Shanghai Daily , 2008-11-07)

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